3 Days in Berlin, GREENTECH FESTIVAL 24

Fred Walti leads a unique discussion session “Growing Green Dreams, Unpacking the Soft Side of Startup Success!” This morning, we’re not delving into the usual strategy, product market fit, and MVP topics.  Instead, we’re exploring the essence of entrepreneurship, what it truly means to be an entrepreneur, what they do, and how it’s different from “normal” life.

We’re going to learn what it means to be an entrepreneur by hearing about the journey of two entrepreneurs who have/are/will be successfully building companies or helping other do so.  Each has a wonderful story and it’s my job to get the story out of them.

First, we have Adrian Vons, founder and CEO of Zenken.  Senken is a platform that connects quality carbon credit projects with large companies buying these credits but does so in a completely transparent and trustworthy manner.

Alina Bassi, is an Investment Manager at Ananda Impact Investments.   Ananda Impact Ventures is a leading impact venture capital fund managing €200 million in four Core Impact Funds.  Before being on the “buy side” of the investment equation, Ananda worked forenttre and started several startups focused on waste to energy sector.  She also is the CEO of Founderland, a nonprofit dedicated to helping women entrepreneurs and especially women of color get access to venture funding.

Both of these folks have at least two things in common:  they both worked for large companies before starting their own company and they both decided to build something that addresses climate change issues and sustainability.

Watch the video for complete conversation.