Tag Archive for: NGIN

NGIN is thrilled to welcome Logan City into the Network! Described as a city of innovation, opportunity, diversity, and action, the City of Logan says yes! “We say yes to innovation. Yes to collaboration. Yes to new industry, new jobs and new ideas. Yes to trial and experimentation. Yes to learning. Yes to leveraging technology for community benefit. Yes to co-creating our future city.”

NIC Karachi at a Glance

The core objective of NIC Karachi is not just to promote entrepreneurship, but in particular to support and catalyze the creation of disruptive, innovative product-based tech startups that scale, transform and provide a significant market with an economic impact by efficiently allocating assets and resources, reducing market distortions, transaction time and cost by changing the way people live, work and play.

NIC Karachi believes that poverty will primarily be eliminated through disruptive innovation that will make enablers such as energy, agriculture, education and health care available and affordable to the masses of Pakistan, especially the people at the bottom of the pyramid.

To build tech products and undertake business development startups require funding. Therefore the number of incubatee graduates that acquire funding, develop their valuation, exits, and returns to founders and investors are important gauges of an incubator’s success, in addition to metrics like jobs created, revenue generated and disadvantaged lives impacted.

Karachi being the hub of economic activity, financial institutions and the best human capital, we see this opportunity as building an entrepreneurial eco-system in the entire of Pakistan. Our methodology not only focuses on graduating incubates but also on cultivating a culture of prosperity through entrepreneurship by engaging the educated youth.

NIC Karachi is a world-class incubator that will enable entrepreneurs to use technology to solve local and global problems. We believe that technology will be a key driver for disruptive innovation that will make resources accessible for the poor to eliminate poverty.

The Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI), dedicated to creating an inclusive, green economy by unlocking innovation, transforming markets and enhancing community, today announced that the Network for Global Innovation (NGIN) initiative is now a new organization led by Fred Walti, LACI’s Co-founder. NGIN will remain headquartered at the La Kretz Innovation Campus, home to LACI.

A LETTER OF AFFILIATION was signed this week by PARQUE TECNOLÓGICO ITAIPU (“PTI”) and the NETWORK FOR GLOBAL INNOVATION (“NGIN”) making PTI the Network for Global Innovation’s newest member.

Bill Gates

There is no “there,” there. Organizations that are funded largely are not able to respond quickly and now. The urgency we need requires entrepreneurial spirit and action.

The kind of “ecosystems” that are needed are very different from those that support for the digital and media technologies. Condensed programs aimed at getting an investment in a couple of months’ time just don’t work for chemistry or hardware based technology companies.

I’ve come late to the earth-is-in-danger party. While I started thinking about clean technologies in 2008, I looked at it as a great business opportunity that could also bring much needed economic development. My mantra was: “Let’s take advantage of this huge business opportunity and diminish our dependence on fossil fuels from parts of the world that don’t like us.” I didn’t look beyond the business side of it.

One Sunday morning in March of 2011, I was recovering from a night of partying in La Paz Bolivia. The Bolivian’s throw a pretty wicked Carnival.

The mission and objective of the Trade Tour was to teach companies about how to do business in Mexico and with whom, and included personally matching and introductions to potential partners and customers.